Swirl Solution: Mshine Concrete Polishing (MCP) pads


Are you looking polishing pads that can reach HIGH GLOSS and CLEARNESS without leaving SWIRL behind?

Looks nowhere else, our Mshine Concrete Polishing (MCP)pad can solve your problem. Many like the final result of resin polishing but are suffered from the leftover swirl mark from the buring resin, hence, choose the phenolic polishing pad. What if there’s a solution that can help you with the swirl concern and brings better gloss and clearness.


How is swirl produced?

Swirls are normally formed from two factors: scratches from abnormal coarser-grained particles, and melting epoxy due to the frictional heat from the high rotational grinding speed.


Ashine self-developed Generation VI of formula was exclusively designed for dry polishing.It has better thermal stability that can sustain higher rotational speed during polishing process without burning the resin and leaves grinding swirl behind. Moreover, Ashine patented raindrop design brings MCP pad extra flexibility to fit on the uneven condition to get a quicker shine, and more gringding shearforce.


MCP Case Demostration

The case below is a demostration of MCP pad performance from 400 to 800 grit.


The surface is well prepared after 200grit wet polishing.There is no gloss to be seen with naked eyes.



The gloss starts put on after 400s MCP with approximate 17GU improvement.



Reflections can be seen with naked eyes from the 60°angle.




As we continue polishing with 800s MCP pad, the surface began to gain more gloss with a more distinct reflection.



Both gloss and clearness are greatly improved, with over 70 distinctness and 50 GU.



Here is the before&after comparison of using 400-800 grit MCP pad. Both clearness and gloss are largely increased with Haze value below 10, meaning no resinous or other chemical sealers are applied.




Post time: Aug-08-2022